
Prioritizing the physical and mental well-being of its student-athletes amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Central College joined other American Rivers Conference schools in restructuring the fall season athletics schedules. Central president Mark Putnam said the college sought a path that provides student-athletes with meaningful opportunities for competition, structured in a manner that promotes their physical safety, as well as their mental health. By scheduling additional time between each match, game and meet, Central can maintain stringent and robust pre-participant screening protocols for student-athletes, coaches, support staff and game officials. League schools are working out details but team schedules will not exceed 50% of each sport’s maximum contest dates of competition. Student-athlete and staff health will be closely monitored and schedules can be adjusted at any time.

“This approach was developed after careful thought and extensive discussions with our American Rivers Conference colleagues but also guided by the continued input and collective wisdom of our campus COVID-19 Athletics Protocol Task Force and state and national authorities,” Putnam said. “In Division III athletics, our focus remains on serving the sport participants rather than spectators. We’re mindful of the fact that athletics competition is an integral and critical component of their educational experience. Our goal is to find ways to provide that for them, just as we seek ways to facilitate on-campus classroom instruction, while doing so in a manner that provides for their safety and the safety of all involved.”

Additionally, because each of the teams will participate in less than 50% of the sport’s maximum contest/dates of competition, each student-athlete will be provided the option of extending their collegiate athletics careers by one season. On July 8, the NCAA Division III Administrative Committee approved a blanket waiver in all sports that are unable to reach that 50% threshold, ensuring that student-athletes retain the opportunity to have four full seasons of participation opportunities.

Central follows safety guidelines and protocols as established by the Iowa Department of Public Health, Marion County Public Health, Pella Regional Health Center and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updates and resources from the college on plans for returning to campus for the 2020-21 academic year can be accessed at central.edu/health. Fall semester classes begin Aug. 26.