Photo from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Last week, Governor Reynolds signed a proclamation to extend the state’s Public Health Emergency Declaration through August 23rd. This will impact the services provided at the Marion County Treasurer’s Office. As part of the proclamation, deadlines to make payments and renewals have been extended.
Property taxes that were due in March must now be paid before July 31st to avoid penalties. Vehicle registrations that expired between January 2020 and July 31st, 2020 must be renewed by August 31st. Applications for title and registration for vehicles purchased between March 16th and July 25th must be submitted by August 24th. Driver’s licenses that expired January 16th through the proclamation now have driving privileges extended through August 23rd.
The Treasurer’s Office reminds residents that the temporary courthouse location at East Elementary continues to be open by appointment only. Residents are encouraged to make payments via check, online, or over the phone to limit in-person contact.