The final Thursdays in Pella event of the summer was Ag in the City. The traditional evening sponsored by Marion County Farm Bureau and Marion County Bank highlighted the agriculture industry through a variety of activities, food booths, and entertainment.
Activities included paper chain animals, a tractor rodeo, wagon rides, farm animal displays, and other crafts. New Pella Police Chief Shane McSheehy had a meet and greet as well.
The Marion County Cattlemen once again served ribeye sandwiches, hamburgers, and all-beef hot dogs, and the Pella Kiwanis had the poffertjes stand near the Tulip Toren to raise funds for Wonder Spelen.
Tyler Schiferl did rope tricks on the Tulip Toren, local FFA students had presentations shortly following the demonstration–as did National Miss United States Agriculture Spokesmodel Codi Holdeman, and the evening concluded with the final Pella City Band performance of the season. Holdeman, who is from the Reasnor area and was president of the Pella FFA chapter, says it was fun to return to Ag in the City and celebrate the farming industry from her home counties.
The KNIA/KRLS Lil’ Big Red Radio was broadcasting from every Thursdays in Pella this summer.