
Jessica Klyn de Novelo, director of career and professional development at Central College, will serve a panelist for a TALK Des Moines webinar discussing campus recruiting during COVID-19.

The webinar is from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5. Registration is required and can be done here: www.talktalent.com/chapter/des-moines/events/100-campus-recruiting-during-covid-19.

TALK (Talent Acquisition Leadership Keynotes) is the world’s largest organization of talent acquisition professionals, with nearly 5,000 members representing 80 chapters in North America. The TALK platform enables talent acquisition leaders to connect, share best practices, innovate, improve their business processes, manage local events and make new friends.

Klyn de Novelo is a 2005 Central graduate and has worked at the college since graduating. She worked in study abroad and community-based learning prior to her role as director of career and professional development.

She will be joined on the panel by Anette Watson from Drake University and Kellie Mullaney from Iowa State University. Employer panelists are from Principal Financial Group and Renewable Energy Group.