The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church quilting group in Knoxville has received an Excellence in Community Service award from the Daughters of the American Revolution. The award was presented at a ceremony at the church on Monday morning. Among the group’s services are providing quilts for hospital patients and making school bags for children in need. Barbara Larson with the quilting group says she was humbled and honored to receive the award.
“We were really thrilled that we got it first of all, and what a wonderful award. Janet approached us and said she’d like some information, which we provided, and this is what happened. So it’s very much an honor to have received an award.”
The award was presented by Janet Ritchie of the DAR. KNIA/KRLS Radio News Director Dr. Bob Leonard also received an award at the event for Excellence in Community Radio Broadcasting. Leonard was recognized for his many years of news coverage in Knoxville and the surrounding area. To hear interviews from the award recipients, tune into Friday’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.