
The Knoxville Police Department is hosting its fifth annual Helmets & Hotdogs event on Monday, August 17th. The event normally takes place at the end of the school year, but was delayed due to COVID-19. School Resource Officer Kyle Keller with the department says that this year’s event will look different than in years past.

“Obviously this year is going to be different. We always like to do the in-person full interaction event across from the city hall, fire station and library. This year, we’re going to do a drive-up event at the Knoxville High School student parking lot. It’s a short notice. The reason it’s a short notice is because we didn’t get the helmets in until just this last Monday. We were told they were on back order and we didn’t know when they were going to come, they could’ve come in September or October so we didn’t want to set any kind of a date for it. But we decided to hurry up with the event to try to fit it in before school started.”

The event runs from 12:15-1:30 p.m. on Monday, and is intended for students in Pre-K through 5th Grade. Parents are asked to measure the circumference of their child’s head to speed up the process. To hear a complete interview with Keller, tune into today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.