
The Pella City Council will further discuss hard surfacing of 218th Avenue near the Shady Brook development following regular business Tuesday.

Project engineer Garden and Associates will present about alignment alternatives for the road. During a Policy and Planning meeting this spring, Council gave direction to prepare an actual cost estimate for an Urban Section 31-foot PCC roadway with at least one sidewalk of trail, utilizing the “T” intersection alignment. The City plans to hard surface 218th Avenue from just south of Shady Brook Lane to the end of the pavement on Neil Drive.

Current budget numbers include a 24’ wide 6” asphalt (ACC) roadway with 2’ gravel shoulders in a rural cross section, ditches on both sides, and culvert improvements. The budgeted amount for the project is $463,000; however, if Council decides to proceed with an urban cross section including sidewalks, the cost of the project could increase to $1,239,415 including engineering and a 10% contingency.

Currently, the existing gravel curve at the intersection of 218th Avenue and Neil Drive is substandard, requiring a reduced speed. In order to redesign with a paved curve to meet full Statewide Urban Design and Specifications and American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials standards, the curve would be located through the pond located at the City’s soccer complex.

The Pella City Council will discuss their options and receive additional information this Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Pella Public Safety Complex, and is also available electronically:

1. To access screen sharing and audio, visit
2. To listen to audio only, call 720.650.5050 and enter access code 962-389-622 #