
The Knoxville School Board met in regular session Monday. The board approved employee handbooks and added clarifying language to the district’s maternity leave procedures. The board considered and approved a calendar adjustment due to a change in the Homecoming schedule to have no early dismissal on the Friday of Homecoming.

The board considered and approved a new policy based on Title IX, prohibiting the district from discrimination denying a student from taking particular classes or participating in extracurricular activities on the basis of gender. The board approved the revision of several policies relating to COVID-19, including those related to board member conflicts of interest, compulsory attendance, reportable infectious diseases, education-based activity regulations, school day procedures, and emergency school closings.

Superintendent Cassi Pearson says that the district’s return to classes has gone extremely well throughout the first few days.

The next Knoxville School Board meeting will be September 14th at 5:30 p.m.