The Pella Knights of Columbus held their first “Pellathon” as part of the 22nd annual Campaign for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Tuesday at the Pella Opera House.
Members of the local Knights group raised approximately $30,000 through well over 300 phone calls to local businesses, other Knights, and individuals. While those calls were going on, the KNIA/KRLS Lil’ Big Red Radio was at the event, with Trevor Castle interviewing the many people impacted by the annual campaign on stage and over the air on 92.1 KRLS. Among those was Bella Van Gorp, a recent graduate of Pella High School and now a Central College student, who has been helped greatly by the support of the Knights of Columbus and the Iowa Special Olympics.
Hear more from Van Gorp on today’s Let’s Talk Pella. The Pella Knights of Columbus will collect donations in front of the Pella Hy-Vee, Fareway, and Walmart every evening this week and most of the day Saturday, as well as through Venmo and online here: https://pellaknights.square.site/
All funds from the annual Pella Campaign for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities benefit the Christian Opportunity Center, special education departments at both Pella and Pella Christian, Wonder Spelen, and the Iowa Special Olympics.
Interviews from the event:
Joe Lickteig, Pella Knights of Columbus:
Father Troy Richmond, St. Mary’s Church:
Van Gorp Family:
Amy Zuck and John Eilers, COC:
Dana Sims, Pella Christian Special Education:
Mark Wiskus, Wonder Spelen:
Lori Grubb, Pella Special Education Teacher:
Liz Sporrer, Vermeer:
Jen Diers, Central College: