Photo from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The Indianola School District 2020-21 school year has begun, with students attending in-person learning at the facilities starting earlier this week. School Nurse Cadi Williams tells KNIA News the Return to Learn Plan has plenty of guidance including rooms isolated away from the general student population entering the nurses office, however there isn’t a procedure that will conform to 100% of the students attending school.
“Nobody is wearing neon signs that says I feel this symptom or that symptom, so you kind of have to pull and dig at it. It will be tricky, but that is an advantage to having nurses in the building, because nurses have an intuition and nursing judgement that is something that is innate in that nurse role. So I think as a nursing population, we are really going to have to hone in on that, trust our instincts, trust our gut, look at where we’ve been and where we are going, and we’ll get through this.”
Mrs. Williams was featured in a Back to School series of In Depth with Dr. Bob Leonard. To listen to the full interview, click below.