
In classrooms that include several hands-on lessons and instruction, it has been a unique start to the academic year for the Career Academy of Pella.

Welding Instructor Sheila Graham says students have been working together to try and manage mask wearing and smaller groups this fall as they return to classes after students missing on opportunities from mid-March until in-person instruction resumed in August.

One of the key programs growing out of the Career Academy of Pella have been apprenticeships, with 13 students signing up in May with local businesses and organizations to participate in Welding, Engineering Assistant, IT Certification, and Early Childhood Education Certification programs, which provide hands-on learning opportunities and a chance for those individuals to earn and work while learning and receiving certification and credit from DMACC.

Apprenticeships are available to students throughout the region at various workplaces, and more information can be found by contacting the Pella Community School District administrative office.