Due to a computer malfunction at the KNIA/KRLS studios, the station’s listener database has been lost. KNIA/KRLS Senior General Manager Jim Butler encourages people who were in the database before, or anyone who wants to have early access to station events such as the Home Shopping Extravaganza, should go to KNIAKRLS.com and enter their information.
“Unfortunately, the hard drive in one of our computers crashed several weeks ago, and where we back up so much stuff, the database was not one of the things backed up at the time. And we’re having a hard time getting that back off the hard drive. We still think we’ll be able to get the data, but just in case, we’re being proactive and asking people to get online and give us your data. As we’ve said before, this data isn’t going to be shared with anybody, it’s just for the use of KNIA/KRLS so we can let you know about events like our Home Shopping Extravaganza and things like that. Even if you weren’t in our database before, you’re still welcome and encouraged to get online and go to KNIAKRLS.com, you’ll see a box on the right hand side, click on that, enter your data, it’s very simple.”
If people don’t have access to a computer to re-enter their information, call the KNIA/KRLS Studios at either 641-842-3161, 641-628-8672, or 515-961-5979.