The Pella City Council will take the next steps in approving an industrial development led by the new Lely North America headquarters at their meeting this evening.
A voluntary annexation agreement is under consideration, and the council will set a public hearing, a legal agreement, and consider the preliminary plat for the project aiming to bring a new headquarters for the robotic milking company southwest of Exit 45 on Highway 163.
Council will also review resolutions to approve the street finance report for fiscal year 2020, an application and agreement for a federal assistance grant for runway improvements at the Pella Municipal Airport.
Before regular business begins, Mayor Don DeWaard will swear in new Pella Police Officer Bryce Doane.
Following the meeting, council will hold policy and planning to discuss a new organization structure for the Pella Police Department, a reimbursement request to support Classic Aviation and their operations at the Pella Municipal Airport, and a 28E agreement with Marion County for extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction.
The Pella City Council meeting begins at 7:00 this evening in the Pella Public Safety Complex, and the meeting is also available electronically.
Audio and screen sharing of the presentation will be available online at https://join.me/CityofPella.
Audio only will be available by dialing 720.650.5050 and entering access code 962-389-622.