
Seven new positive tests of COVID-19 were confirmed by Marion County Public Health Tuesday. There are 58 active cases and 681 recoveries, with five fatalities due to the virus reported. The two-week average positive test rate is at 11.6%, and there are six residents hospitalized with the virus.

Central College has been providing weekly updates on campus as it relates to COVID-19. According to their most recent report, a total of 20 positive cases have been reported since classes started on August 24th, and there have been 93 individuals who were possibly exposed and placed under quarantine. Last week, four more positive tests were reported and 14 added to the potential exposure list. Exposure is defined as contact with a COVID-19 positive (or suspected positive) person for 15 minutes or greater at a distance of less than 6 feet. Contact tracing is done by Marion County Department of Public Health in cooperation with the college. Read more about Central’s response at their website: https://www.central.edu/health/