The Trojans, Saints, and Sabers all traveled to Eddyville for a cross country meet on Tuesday, seeing some varied results between the programs.
On the girls’ side, Twin Cedars and Melcher-Dallas did not receive an official score while Pleasantville finished tied for third out of seven scored teams, but they had four runners between them in the top 10. The Sabers’ Rylee Dunkin and Cheyanne Burns took gold and bronze respectively. J’Lyn Knutson of the Saints finished eighth, which is behind where she has been placing prior to this meet. Head coach Amy Stuart says this is due to Knutson struggling with an illness. As for the Trojans, head coach Aaron Fichter says it wasn’t close to his team’s best outing. Hailee McCormick wound up tenth a week after finishing third in her home meet. Emmie Kenyon was next for the Trojans at 27th.
For the boys, Pleasantville’s Devon Luing, a consistent top five threat, finished 11th.. As a team, the Trojans finished last among scored teams at ninth overall. The Saints had just one runner. Owen Suntken wound up 56th out of 61 runners. Twin Cedars had no boys participate.
Twin Cedars and Melcher-Dallas are scheduled to participate next Tuesday in the Knoxville Invitational starting at 5:00. Pleasantville’s next outing is Thursday October 1st at Red Haw State Park in Chariton starting at 4:30.
Full results of the meet can be found by clicking on the link below.