Seven new positive tests of COVID-19 were confirmed by Marion County Public Health Wednesday. There are 54 active cases and 693 recoveries, with five deaths attributed to the virus. The two-week average positive test rate is at 12.2% and eight residents are hospitalized with COVID-19.
The Pella Community School District has been updating daily absentee rates among students and staff, and on Wednesday added one student to the list of kids missing class due to a positive COVID-19 test with symptoms, which there are currently two under that status. Overall absences in the district were at their lowest point since the beginning of school in late August, as 32 students were out of school for any reason, which is 1.4% of the student body. A positive test rate of 15% in a county and 10% absenteeism would allow any school district to apply for virtual learning waivers beyond a 50% hybrid model, which is the minimum standard required for participation in school-sanctioned athletics and activities. Less than 1% of staff members are missing work due to COVID-19.
Find the latest data from Pella Community Schools here: https://coronavirus.pellaschools.org/stats/