
September is Library Card Sign-up Month, a time when the American Library Association and libraries nationwide join together to remind parents, caregivers and students that signing up for a library card is for many, the first step towards academic achievement and lifelong learning. Knoxville Library Director Roslin Thompson says that signing up is simple, and a card gives people access to numerous resources.

“We encourage parents, teachers, anybody to bring your child and sign them up for a library card. It is free and open to everyone. All we need to do is see a photo ID from the adult. Children who are five years old and above can get a free library card. We all know that a library card is awesome because it gives them access to all kinds of programming, books, movies, everything that you can get from the library.”

Thompson also encourages people to sign up for a card before the end of the month. More information about signing up, as well as resources available at the Knoxville Library can be found here.