
Women Inspiring Change Knoxville has announced that 3,000 reusable masks were delivered to students in the Knoxville School District Thursday. Member Amy Zuck tells KNIA/KRLS News that the group reached their goal by getting the word out to community organizations who donated funds towards the cause.

Peace Tree Brewing Company raised over $1,000 by offering a link to donate on its website. The Knoxville Booster Club and the Knoxville Elementary Parents and Teachers Organization each donated $1,000 as well. 22 members of WICK donated $1,750.

The largest donation was from Your Life Matters, which cancelled its plans for a speaker and donated $7,000 towards the cause.

Women Inspiring Change Knoxville is a newly formed women’s philanthropy group that chooses a local cause every quarter and donates time and resources to better the community. The group thanks all who made the mask donation possible.