At Monday’s Knoxville School Board meeting, the board received the annual financial summary from Business Manager Craig Mobley. He says that despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the district ended last school year positively, and is in good shape for the future.
“‘19-’20 actually ended up very well for us from a financial standpoint. All the financial ratios and metrics that I look at on an annual basis were all positive for the district, even through the COVID-19 pandemic so far. We were able to end the year positively, and really set our district up well going into the next year or two where there is so much uncertainty of how long the pandemic will go on, what is the impact going to be on a state level that we all know trickles down to public school districts with how much supplemental aid we’re able to get through the legislative process. I think we’re setting ourselves up good for the future, and to be able to handle those adversities in the future without having to make too many changes.”
The district’s complete financial report can be found here.