There is just one cross country meet for Melcher-Dallas this week as the Saints head Honey Creek Resort in Moravia. Girls Runner J’Lyn Knutson has not had the results she would have hoped the last couple of weeks due to nursing a cold. Coach Amy Stuart tells KNIA Sports at this point of the season, she would be tapering workouts not to put undue strain on runners as they get ready for the State Qualifying Meets. However ,Stuart says with Knutson not getting the mileage she had hoped for this season and over the summer with her hip flexor injury, the workouts will stay the same.
“Between her hips over the summer she did not get the mileage she would have hoped for and now this cold trying to taper her workouts just to get her healthy, not put her more in the hole. I think we’re going to be building her and give her the best chance for those races.”
After Tuesday’s meet, the Saints will have a full week off to prepare for the State Qualifier.