October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time to understand the importance of early detection.
Marilou Schiebout is Medical Imaging Supervisor at Pella Regional Health Center, and as a two-time survivor herself, she encourages all women 40 and older to have an annual mammogram performed. Scheibout says it’s critical for a positive outcome to detect cancer as early as possible.
COVID-19 restrictions cancelled many of the events normally scheduled at Pella Regional as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, including Paint the Stands Pink and the annual KNIA/KRLS Save-A-Life Radiothon.
Pella in Pink, presented by Pella Regional Health Center Foundation, wraps up today as a virtual event that covers 13.1 miles between October 14-31 and log miles. Mileage logs turned in by November 6 will be entered in a drawing for prizes. For more information contact Deb Borton, Director at Pella Regional Health Center Foundation, at 641-621-2290.