
Tulip Queen and Royal Court in mid-March 2020

Thirteen finalists will all try to become the next Tulip Queen in November.

The following students will take part in the annual Tulip Queen’s Announcement Party on Saturday, November 14th at 7 p.m. (individual pictured above name):

Kaylee Bandstra

Tessa Brouwer

Olivia De Haan Burch

Camille Doty

Alyssa Geetings

Ashley Hardman

Morgan Heinen

Ella Johnson

Greta Kelderman

Courtney Paxton

Hannah Tschetter

Ella Van Zee

Callista Webb

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this year’s event will not be open to the public. Socially distanced seating is limited to judges, some family members, and Tulip Time queen’s selection committee members. The event on November 14th will be broadcast on 92.1 KRLS, with the same audio feed on the Pella Christian High School YouTube channel.