The Knoxville Chapter of Veterans of Foreign Wars recently awarded KNIA/KRLS Radio with a Media Recognition Citation. This was awarded “In sincere appreciation of the generous contribution of time and facilities in support of our nation’s veterans and the programs of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Department of Iowa.” State Senior Vice Commander Mike Braman says that the station was awarded for its tremendous efforts in supporting the organization’s mission.
“KNIA/KRLS, for the last several years, has gone above and beyond helping our veterans here in our local community, working with me, working with the post, getting the word out on our programs. They’re always working with us when it comes to our yearly fundraising we do, since we are a not-for-profit.”
The award was given in a ceremony in late October. More information on the efforts of the Knoxville VFW can be heard on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.