Iowa Workforce Development recently completed a laborshed study for the Pella area. Marion County Development Commission Director Carla Eysink says the laborshed provides a snapshot of labor demographics of the region, which is considered a key resource to understand employment and available workforce in a given region.
Pella’s area data show 473,217 residents between the ages of 18 and 64, which includes several employees commuting from Ottumwa, the Des Moines metro, Newton, and Mahaska County, coming to work at local businesses. Eysink says one of the most important aspects of the laborshed study is to provide current and potential employers with robust information about who is working at local businesses and industries and those who would be potentially interested in doing so.
Eysink says the study also provides details about where people go to search for job openings, as well as the education level and specialties of potential employees for specific industries.
To view the Pella Laborshed click the link below: