Living Windows returns to Knoxville tomorrow, with numerous activities taking place throughout the city as part of the annual kickoff to the holiday season.
The Holiday of Hope window decorating contest begins Thursday. People can vote on their favorite display either on Facebook, or with a QR code on the window of each participating business. Candyland Live runs from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m., featuring discounts and door prizes at participating businesses. A tree lighting ceremony will be held at 5:45 p.m. on Facebook Live. Immediately following the tree lighting, Santa Claus will make a single “Santa Stop” at the Knoxville High School parking lot with goodie bags for kids provided by the Knoxville Noon Kiwanis. This is a change from previously announced Santa Stops. Santa will then appear again on Facebook Live for a sneak peek of the Merry-N-County Christmas light display in Marion County Park.