The Knoxville Recreation Center will cancel all in person fitness classes through the end of the year due to the latest proclamation from Governor Reynolds. Director Brandon Nemmers tells KNIA/KRLS News that along with having a mask mandate inside the rec center, they’re trying to limit attendance as much as possible.
“Instead of walking around and when that 25th person walked in the door and telling everybody to put a mask on, we just thought it’d be a little bit easier to have masks required indoors. Along with that, we weren’t able to hold fitness classes anymore. Initially, Governor Reynolds said you could have a maximum of eight people. So we made the decision to cancel them. Then she said that you’re able to have them. So we’ve made the decision to not hold fitness classes through the end of this year. We’re trying to cut down on our attendance here and trying to do our part to keep everybody safe in Marion County.”
For a complete list of cancelled programs at the Knoxville Recreation Center, click here.