
The City of Indianola wants to remind residents of the change of the snow removal policy regarding sidewalk shoveling approved by the council in 2019. City Manager Ryan Waller tells KNIA News the change in policy is in accordance with other cities similar to Indianola.

“After a snowfall event, residents have 48 hours to clear the snow. It’s more in line with other communities in the area, Indianola was the only city to have a 72 hour window to clear the snow from the sidewalks. The policy for the City of Indianola to maintain the streets and city owned properties is held at a higher standard, which is to have snow cleared 12-24 hours after an event.”

If forecasts indicate that two inches of snow or more is probable the City of Indianola may begin proactive notification that the snow ordinance will go into effect, and will go into effect after two inches of snow has fallen until streets are plowed.