The City of Pella issued 60 violation citations during the first snow emergency issued of the winter.
Pella Public Works issued the snow ordinance Saturday at 12:01 a.m. and it continued until 10:55 a.m. Pella Police Captain Paul Haase says a snow emergency is first declared by the Public Works Director, in order to clear streets, alleys, and parking lots of parked vehicles and allowing city workers to do so quickly and completely.
During a snow emergency, vehicles parked on a city street, alley, or designated parking lot may be issued a parking citation. The police department is authorized to tow violators. Every city street is designated as a snow route; and vehicles may not impede or block traffic during a snow emergency.
As a reminder, property owners are also required to remove snow and ice from public sidewalks within 24 hours after snow ends. Those responsible for clearing are not allowed to blow, push, or place any of the snow or ice on a city street or city right-of-way. Hear more from Haase about the City of Pella Snow Ordinance on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.