The Pella City Council will consider a resolution moving the start time of regular meetings going forward this evening. A resolution on the agenda would continue business on the first and third Tuesday of each month, however, sessions would instead start at 6 p.m. starting January 19th, assuming council approval.
Council will also consider resolutions considering a change order with Synergy Contracting for the Clark Street Water Main project, setting a public hearing for East Interchange Infrastructure Improvements, submitting a five year capital improvement program for the Pella Municipal Airport, and accepting improvements for the Tuttle Cabin Learning Walkway and public projects associated with the Prairie Ridge Development.
Following regular business, council will receive the first overview of the upcoming Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget ahead of work sessions in February. The Pella CIty Council meeting begins at 7 p.m. Tuesday and is available electronically:
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To listen to audio only, call 720.650.5050 and enter access code 962-389-622 #