Helping Hands Knoxville is in need of last-minute donations in preparation for its Christmas basket distribution. Chuck Galaezzi says the organization now has to overcome an unexpected hurdle, and would like to have all donations in by the end of the day today.
“I had an order in to the Food Bank of Iowa to pick up some things for these baskets. Our truck broke down. It’s heartbreaking, I had to call them and cancel it, and I don’t see any way we’re going to get another load in on time. Sometimes, you plan ahead and you think it’s going to work, and then something comes up. I rely on the people of Knoxville, and they usually are very resilient. They come in with what we need, and I’m counting on it again. We should’ve been better prepared, but sometimes things happen.”
They are in search of canned goods, such as corn, beans, and soup, hams, potatoes, peanut butter, jelly, or monetary donations. Galaezzi also says no donation is too big or small, and all help is appreciated. Donations can be dropped off at Helping Hands on West Main Street in Knoxville.