The Knoxville Fire Department Auxiliary will conclude its first blanket drive this evening when they deliver hand-made blankets to residents of Knoxville’s long-term care facilities. She says that these residents are the most in need, and is happy to help contribute in this season of giving.
“This is a time when a lot of people are hurting, there’s a lot of needs in the communities, and there is a blessing that happens when we give. Sometimes our hurt is so deep that we can’t think beyond ourselves, but it is such great joy when we’re able to reach outside ourselves to bless somebody else.”
The auxiliary will deliver blankets to Homestead Assisted Living at 6:35 this evening, and will make their way to Westridge Specialty Care and Accura Health Care throughout the evening. Fire trucks will be decorated in Christmas decor and will make appearances at these locations. Tune into today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville to hear more about this cause.