The first doses of COVID-19 vaccinations are being distributed to first responders and front line healthcare workers across the United States, and health care professionals stress the importance of as many people as possible getting vaccinations. When asked to address those who are hesitant about taking the vaccine, Knoxville Hospital & Clinics CEO Kevin Kincaid says to trust the science, and that this disease can be eradicated if everyone takes part.
“Well, I think one of the things that I was talking about with some friends of mine is that of all the things I worry about, whether my kids are heading off to school for the day, or my parents, one of the things I think about but don’t worry about is polio, mumps, smallpox, I don’t worry about those things, I don’t even think about them actually. Well why is that? Because science and vaccination destroyed them, and just essentially all but wiped them off the face of the Earth. Science will prevail. And I think that we just need to understand that this is how we’re going to get ourselves on the back side of this. Vaccinations will take it out.”
The Pfizer vaccine was first administered Monday, and the Moderna vaccine is in its final approval stages by the FDA. The first vaccines are expected to arrive in Marion County next week. Tune into today’s In Depth to hear more from Knoxville Hospital & Clinics CEO Kevin Kincaid.