The Pella City Council received a presentation about the upcoming fiscal year budget following their regular meeting Tuesday.
An overview of upcoming major projects was also given, which includes completion of Pella Fiber, the ongoing planning for the South Central Regional Airport, infrastructure upgrades throughout the Central Business District–including replacement of sewer lines in the Oost Port Alley, renovation or new construction for the Pella Community Center, and Cole Commons, which is a proposed beautification project along Oskaloosa Street.
City administration also reviewed several projects made for the current fiscal year, which included some of the impacts expected due to COVID-19 and other factors. Hotel/motel tax, the indoor/outdoor aquatic center, and golf course are all expected to take hits this year — however, $465,000 in CARES Act Funding and Local Option Sales Tax are anticipated to lead to slight revenue growth to counteract some of those losses. Due to a Missouri River Energy Services purchased power rebate, electric revenues are projected to increase by just over $1 million as well.
The Pella City Council typically holds budget workshops in February, ahead of certifying numbers for the State Treasurer’s Office later in the spring.