As of the Knoxville Community School District’s most recent update on absentee numbers, 0.82 percent of students are absent due to a positive COVID-19 test. 2.65 percent of students are absent due to illness of any kind.
One-point-75 percent of school staff were absent due to a positive test, while 2.84 percent were absent due to general illness or quarantining. The positivity rate in Marion County is at 17 percent, which is above the 15 percent threshold which indicates that schools can apply for a waiver to request remote learning. All of these values are slightly higher than last week’s update. Superintendent Cassi Pearson says that this slight increase is likely due to the recent Thanksgiving holiday and winter sports taking place, and encourages safe practices throughout the upcoming winter break.
“We would really like to encourage all of our families and students to remember even when you go on holiday break, to continue practicing those safety measures. Wear your mask when you’re not at home, or even if you have people coming over to your house. Wash your hands a lot, socially distance as much as you can. If you don’t feel well, stay home, no one wants any illness that you may have to pass around. Just continue to practice good safety measures, in hopes that in January, virus activity will go down again, and we’ll be able to kick-start school and activities, and make it all the way through May without having to go virtual or hybrid.”
Hear more from Knoxville Schools Superintendent Cassi Pearson on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.