Following an unfortunate positive COVID-19 test to one of their basketball players, Twin Cedars has been idle for nearly two weeks since returning from Christmas break.
While there was certainly no panic within the school district, it is important to follow protocols to limit the spread of infection. Activities Director Trent Verwers credits school nurse Joni Hannon for the extra work needed to keep everyone safe and details what all goes into the measures taken if someone were to test positive.
“For the most part, our school nurse takes care of that. She’s done a really good job of that this year. She puts in a lot more hours than I would like to. Hats off to her, she’s done a really good job. It all depends on if there’s a positive case and if you’re in contact with this person then you’re getting tested. I don’t think we’re at the level of D-I basketball or football, testing every two days whenever you are. It goes to show that our athletes, students, and teachers need to be careful with hanging around and what you’re doing in your off time.”
The Sabers first game in nearly a month will be on Saturday at Ankeny Christian.