
Photo from 2017

The Pella Children’s Choir is returning to in-person participation this winter and spring, with area youth encouraged to learn more about music.

Director Joe Tangen says rehearsals begin on Monday nights from 7 to 8 p.m. on January 18th. Tangen says they attemped a virtual model in the fall, but participation was down and learning was more difficult for participants. He says the in-person model they will adopt will mirror mitigation strategies currently used at Pella Middle School–where rehearsals will be held this semester, with six feet of distancing and masks required.

The Pella Children’s Choir runs through April 29th, and registration closes on January 30th. The registration fee is $50 per semester and financial assistance is available for those in need.
Click here to register for the Pella Children’s Choir through the Iowa Youth Chorus.

Hear more about the Pella Children’s Choir on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.