Photo from the CDC
Marion County remains in Phase 1A of the COVID-19 vaccination effort. Public Health Director Kim Dorn says that it is still unknown when the general public may be able to be vaccinated, and that those decisions are made at the state level.
“We don’t know yet. We’re still under the same process as what we have been. The state health department lets me know what vaccine is available for Phase 1A. We’re still in 1A for healthcare providers who have face-to-face contact with patients. We’re doing second doses, we’re letting people know that their second doses are due and asking them to make appointments.”
Dorn reminds those who received the first dose that the second dose is critical for full immunity. When Phase 1B starts February 1st, all Iowans age 65 and older will be eligible to be vaccinated, if a vaccine is available, as per Governor Reynolds’ announcement Thursday.