
Photo from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Phase 1B of the state’s COVID-19 vaccination plan is scheduled to begin Monday. Marion County Public Health Director Kim Dorn says this phase is split into five tiers, and explains who is next to get vaccinations.

“Tier number 1 includes first responders, which includes firefighters, police officers, folks like that who go out with the EMS folks. We’ll make sure they’re protected. Also, child welfare and social workers are in Tier 1. Then we will be working on the school staff, especially high risk staff in the schools. We are reaching out to schools to get their lists of high risk staff. Then early childhood education, child care workers, we want to get the high risk people in those groups taken care of.”

In Tier 1, first responders will be the first priority, followed by high risk school staff, all school staff and child care workers, and individuals age 65 and older. Dorn says that when the general public, including those 65 and older, are able to receive the vaccine, appointments can be made at clinics and pharmacies, rather than at public health departments. Vaccination timelines will largely be dictated by vaccine availability, and those decisions are made at the state level. Stay tuned to KNIA/KRLS, as well as KNIAKRLS.com and the Marion County Public Health Department website for the latest information on vaccine availability.