The Indianola City Council postponed the approval of SUDAS (Statewide Urban Design and Specifications) at their meeting Monday, an agenda item that would help create a uniform set of standards among city equipment and procedures for the future. City Manager Ryan Waller tells KNIA News creating the uniform code creates the “Indianola Way”, and will be a huge benefit to contractors, builders, and other businesses.
“Our team has been working several months on putting this together. The city has never had it, we’ve kind of informally followed it but there has been no official adoption. It was slated for adoption at the council meeting but we heard from several local businesses who wanted some more time to go through it. So staff asked council to postpone it, that allows them more time to go through it and allows us to have more conversations with them so we can make sure everyone is on board before formal adoption.”
For more information on SUDAS, tune in to Wednesday’s Let’s Talk Indianola.