
Pella Christian Middle School students have created a podcast aimed at sharing the stories of Pella from their perspective, in hopes of helping families learn more about the community. Middle School English Teacher Elizabeth Wojczynski says she organized a unit on podcasting, and students came up with several topics for a show titled “A Little Taste of Pelladise.”

Hear more about the project on Let’s Talk Pella.

She says the class had to research different aspects of life in the community, and present the information in a way that would be helpful to people considering a move to the region.

Episode topics include:
Pella’s Sweets and Treats
Summer Days in Pella
Koffee Time in Pella
Red Rock Recreation
Christmas in Pella

Anchor: https://anchor.fm/elizabeth-w84
Spotify: Search “A Little Taste of Pelladise” or click https://tinyurl.com/TasteofPelladise