
The Indianola School Board highlighted the team effort from the district administration, staff, teachers, students, and parents regarding the execution of the Return to Learn Plan at their meeting Monday, with Indianola High School and Middle School students set to return to a full in-person schedule next week. Superintendent Art Sathoff tells KNIA News he feels the district has worked hard to provide a safe environment for students and staff from the beginning.

“I am really happy with how we’ve been able to serve kids and families, even from the start going back to Irving Elementary on August 4th, we’ve been able to have students face-to-face. Especially nationally you hear of schools and kids that have not been able to be in the school building for a year, since last March. There are a lot of schools that have not been able to come back. I feel very thankful that our staff has been able to make that work, and our community has been very supportive of that as well.”

For more information, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.