
District 79 Representative Dustin Hite says significant progress was made this week as it relates to child care shortages in the state. He says six pieces of legislation were passed in the House this week:

HF 230 – Increases the income threshold for the Child Care Tax Credit from $45,000 to $90,000.
HF 370 – Creates an incentive for employers to provide child care for their employees by providing a tax credit up to $150,000.
HF 260 – Allows individuals providing child care in their homes to take care of 6 or fewer children, an increase from 5 or fewer.
HF 292 – Raises Iowa’s child care rates to the 50th percentile according to the Market Rate Survey.
HF 302 – Creates an “off ramp” from Child Care Assistance program so parents can continue to grow in their career without losing their child care assistance entirely, all at once.
HF 301 – Creates a fund to provide child care workforce grants on a dollar-for-dollar matching basis from communities. These programs will help move child care providers up the pay scale and the education pathway.

“This is an issue many of us heard about repeatedly on the campaign trail and now we are taking action,” Hite says. “Iowa House Republicans are committed to addressing Iowa’s need to expand access to affordable, quality child care. These pieces of legislation are important steps in the right direction.”