The Pella City Council reviewed several components of the city’s $42 million budget proposal for the 2021-22 fiscal year at a work session Monday.
Department leaders from Pella Fire, Electric, Community Services, Public Works, and Pella Fiber all presented their five-year capital improvement plans. An overview was given for the next fiscal year, which includes $41 million in expenses. The proposal aims to provide flexibility for council to consider the proposed Regional Airport and options for the Pella Community Center and a potential indoor recreation facility. City administration recommends council maintain the current property tax rate of $10.20 per $1,000 of taxable valuations for the 20th consecutive year, maintaining current electric and water rates, and a proposed wastewater increase of 8% to fund Iowa DNR mandated improvements.
At today’s regular meeting, council will consider resolutions setting public hearings for the city’s maximum property tax rate for the next fiscal year and to approve a contract for the Oost Poort Alley infrastructure improvement project. The 2nd reading of ordinances amending a Planned Unit Development with Genlink near 2110 Idaho Drive and establishing the Collegiate Neighborhood Historic District are also on the agenda.
Additional departments are making budget presentations at the regular meeting as well, which starts at 6:00 this evening. Watch online here: https://join.me/CityofPella