Pella Christian One Act, 2021 All-State Speech Honorees
The Iowa High School Speech Association has recognized large group speech teams with All-State Recognition.
Pella High School received the honor in Readers Theatre, titled “MacBeth: A Kid’s Cautionary Tale Concerning Greed, Power, Mayhem, and Other Current Events” with students Taryn Peffers, Ibby Schlerman, Sam Beukelman, Jacob Byers, Cameron Johnson, Willa Kelpe, Ella Van Zee, Lily Lovell, John DeBruin, and Skye Rhoten performing.
Pella Christian’s Speech Team had another excellent season with Large Group Speech, according to instructor Marlo Van Peursem. Members of the school’s One-Act cast, Thieves’ Carnival, was also selected as Outstanding Performers and nominated to the All-State Festival as one of only 16 groups in that category across the state of Iowa to receive such an honor. Thieves’ Carnival included students Trent Van Gilst, Caleb Belzer, Seth Van Gelder, Piper King, Jack Vos, Abby Dart, Caden Albright, Lauren Dunsbergen, Bridget Vande Zande, Marie Johnson, Alayna Van Kooten, Leah Osborn, Kaylee Bandstra, Laurey Johnson, and Leah Nikkel.
Melcher-Dallas had their group improvisation team “Fakers” also earn All-State marks. All-State is the highest possible honor in the Iowa High School Speech Association. Individual speech students will perform in district competitions remotely or in small groups starting this weekend.