The Knoxville School Board will not hold its regularly scheduled meeting Monday. Superintendent Cassi Pearson says this is to give its middle school building developers adequate time to put together a recommendation based on Wednesday’s bid packages.
“With our bid packages coming out February 17th, the turnaround time for Boyd Jones to verify all the bid packages, low bidders, and make sure everything is in order and have a recommendation for what typically would be our February 22nd meeting, we knew that was really going to push them. We want to make sure that it’s done thoroughly and have all the correct numbers and recommendations we’re going to need.”
The agenda for this meeting will combine with the agenda for the originally scheduled meeting on March 8th, and one longer meeting will be held Wednesday, March 3rd at 5:30 p.m. in the Knoxville Schools Administration Building. The meeting was moved to a Wednesday due to availability of board members.