
Students in the Pella Community School District have been contributing to charitable causes during the month of February.

Pella Middle School collected over 1000 items of food in a little over a two week period of time for the “Souper Bowl of Caring,” a nationwide event connected to the Super Bowl. Principal Josh Manning says the district was able to donate food to the Pella Backpack Program, Crossroads of Pella, and the Pella Community Food Shelf.

Madison Elementary PE teacher Katie Gravert led the school with the Kids Heart Challenge, formally known as Jump Rope for Heart. This year, the school raised $16,400, well above their goal of $8,000 for the American Heart Association. Madison holds an assembly to showcase the jump roping abilities of 3rd grade students and to give any student who raised more than $100 a chance to throw a pie in Gravert’s face.

“Madison Elementary had a phenomenal year this year with the Kids Heart Challenge. In past years we have raised 8,000 as a record fundraising year BUT this year was different. We have raised over $16,400. Our kids and families went above and beyond this year to support The American Heart Association. In PE we talk about how some kiddos are born with “special” hearts that need help from a doctor. A lot of us are blessed with healthy hearts and it is our job to take good care of them. This our focus was on Moving More, Choosing Water, Helping Others, No Tobacco and Vaping, Being a Leader, and Being Kind.”