The Pella City Council has three public hearings on the agenda of their meeting this evening.
The first is to set the maximum property tax rate for fiscal year 2022 at $10.20 per $1,000 of valuation for the 20th straight year, the second is to amend the Urban Renewal Plan with Lely North America for their new headquarters, and the third is to consider a contract for the Wonder Spelen all-inclusive playground. Council will also review resolutions to schedule public hearings on March 16th to issue $4.1 million in financing for infrastructure improvements tied to the Lely project and conversion of 218th Avenue south of Neil Drive from gravel to pavement.
A public hearing will also be scheduled to consider bids for the $1.5 million road reconstruction project. Resolutions to approve a final plat for the Prairie Ridge development, accepting public improvements at that location, transfer of entitlement funds from the Pella Municipal Airport to the South Central Regional Airport, and a grant agreement with the Iowa Department of Transportation for the Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy project are on the agenda as well. Council will also consider an ordinance to place additional stop signs at intersections located at new housing developments.
The Pella City Council meeting begins at 6 p.m. today and is available to view online at: https://join.me/CityofPella