Tomorrow is Opening Night of this year’s Knoxville High School Drama Department musical, “Meet Me in St. Louis.” Director Heidi Feldman tells KNIA/KRLS News that it’s a family-friendly show based on the Kensington Stories book written by Stacy Benson. Included in the cast are Knoxville students of all ages. Feldman says this year’s performances will have restricted attendance, and no ticket sales will take place at the door.
“All tickets are to be purchased online. We’re not doing tickets at the door, it’s just to mitigate the 50 percent capacity in the Knoxville Performing Arts Center. Masks are required in KPAC, we’ll be blocking off several rows of seating to try to keep our patrons and performers as safe as possible.”
Tomorrow’s performance begins at 7:00 p.m., Saturday’s shows are at 1:00 and 7:00 p.m., and Sunday at 2:00 p.m.