
This year’s Knoxville Drama Department musical begins tonight at the Knoxville Performing Arts Center. “Meet Me in St. Louis” is a family-friendly show whose cast features Knoxville students of all ages. Director Heidi Feldman explains what to expect in this year’s show.

“Meet Me in St. Louis is an adorable, charming, family-friendly musical, based on the Kensington Stories book written by Stacy Benson. After that, the book was converted to a screenplay for Judy Garland’s film. In the late 80’s, it was translated into a stage production. It follows a family in the early 1900’s in St. Louis during the world’s fair.”

Tickets remain available for all four performances – tonight at 7:00, tomorrow at 1:00 and 7:00, and Sunday at 2:00. These must be purchased online, and seats will be assigned to accommodate for social distancing. Click here to purchase tickets.