
There are 17 girls out for track and field at Twin Cedars this season. The Sabers have enough this season to compete and be competitive in most meets and in the conference. Coach Cam Parker tells KNIA/KRLS Sports after building up the team by recruiting through the hallways at Twin Cedars he feels he has enough depth to compete in meets.

“It’s ust building that depth and increasing numbers. If you have just 5 amazing runners, you can’t compete for team championships if you don’t have the numbers to fill the events. It’s nice to have that many girls to fill the meets and compete nearly every time we go out.”

Parker also notes that his middle distance and distance events will be the strength of the team with many of the cross country runners from this year’s successful fall led by two-time Cross Country State Qualifier Rylee Dunkin. The first meet for the Sabers will be a meet in Albia on March 25th, which is being treated as a scrimmage. The first regular season meet is March 30th at Belle Plaine.

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